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Saturday, 14 January 2017

How To Make Matrix Falling Trick

To make the MATRIX falling trick First of All you have to do..

⟾Step No. 1⤆

Open the note pad in your computer by Holding WINDOWS KEY+R the run command will open. In the run Command type NOTEPAD and press enter


Click right mouse on the Empty desktop, then Click on NEW and then on TEXT DOCUMENT

⟾Step No. 2⟽ 

Copy and paste the following CODE given below in the NOTEPAD

@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

Then save NOTEPAD as the MATRIX.BAT and save it on the Desktop .........

Thats it then open the saved MATRIX.BAT... there is your Matrix Falling Style

How to Create simple bat file ???

 so, today's Is going to be a bit different It's gonna be As you can see, I'm on a Windows I'm on a Windows Okay, you may think I'm on a Windows But I'm actually on Mac This is just... As you can see here How do you call it? Well, I am simulating Well, I am simulating I don't know how to say it I'm simulating, I think, Windows on a Mac So, that's because today's  Has to be on a Windows This is a tutorial On how to make a Windows batch file Yeah So let's it is totally different From the old topics that are related to Minecraft and all those stuff Let's start by creating a new So right click your desktop or anywhere And go New, Text Document Now, you can name it whatever you like So I'm just going to name this TEST So Double-Click it, open it Now This code here is very easy to create a batch file Very easy So, this code here I'm going to type is to Our command, our prompt Will say something And then it will say Click any key to continue And then it will open Google So, let's start @ echo off So what this does If you ever used command prompt Or cmd, on Windows... 

Wait let me show you It says here Users\Lorenzilipe If you have @echo off That won't appear and you want that off So, @echo off And then, for Windows, the command prompt to say something Do echo, oh sorry Do echo and then you Without the @, without the @, remember that You just type anything So let's type Oh, damn it Let me open Google for you. Now, What that will do is just say Let me open Google for you. Now type PAUSE And what PAUSE does is It makes the part that it stops the commands, evrything And it says Please click any key to continue I'll show you if you like PAUSE Press any key to continue . . . I pressed ENTER So it's PAUSE and then to start Google To open Google, you type START And what START does, it, you can open a program Or website or anything you like You just got to type in the The URL or the The address of the program in your computer So what I mean by the address is that... Let me show you here So for example, Minecraft You click here where it says Desktop So you Copy that Copy that and paste that there / minecraft.exe And it will open Minecraft But here, Here, we'll open Google So you just got to type in the website www.google.com

 Now, so it's ready, this is finished So Save As Save it on the Desktop and then save this It cannot be the same name as the text document It cannot be the same name as the text document Maybe, I'm not sure if you can but it's more secure to type something else So I'm going to type Open Google All Files, remember that It has to be All Files and you've got to type .bat And if you're using another version of Windows I'm not sure about this But if it's not Windows 7 you've got to change this to Unicode But on Windows 7, if you change this to Unicode it will just not work Open Google That will just pop-up and then pop ack out Then change this to ANSI Sorry, .bat, All Files Yes, I want to replace it And, Open Google So Let me open Google for you. So, as you can see, it doesn't show us the prompt Which is the Users and then your user blablabla And it echoed, it says Let me open Google for you. As we typed in there And, PAUSE is Press any key to continue . . . Press any key And it should open Google It will open Google with your default web browser My default web browser is Chrome Chrome! Chrome! There, Google, ah! Google Brasil! Yeah, I live in Brasil So that was our Topic tutorial Yeah...  Thank you! Bye!

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